Have questions about the study? See our FAQs below!

CoPE stands for Vocal Cord Paralysis Experience. This is a survey study that is funded by the National Institutes of Health. Study participants will consent to answer questions about their health history and experience with treatment for vocal cord paralysis twice over a 3 month period. This study can be completed from home, on your computer, laptop, tablet, or other smart device.

Unilateral vocal cord paralysis occurs when one vocal cord nerve is not working. People with this condition experience a variety of symptoms that can range from mild to severe. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Difficulty communicating
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing
  • Fatigue

CoPE providers are dedicated to understanding what it is like to live with vocal cord paralysis. By taking our survey, your answers will help us to better care for people with this condition.

Yes! After you complete the first survey, you will be sent a check for $25. After that, you will receive a $5 incentive to complete the second survey. Once you complete the second survey, you will receive another check for $25. Participants have the opportunity to earn up to $55 in 3 months.

No extra visits to the doctor’s office are required to participate in the CoPE study! In fact, you can participate from anywhere that you have access to an internet or data connection (your home, your workplace, the park…the world is yours!). Your doctor is responsible for giving you the study brochure with a passcode to participate. There will be no changes in your care plan because of this study.

Participants will answers two surveys over a period of 3 months. The first survey includes the consent form and will take about 30 minutes. The second survey will take about 20 minutes. Expect to spend a total of 50 minutes over 3 months.

How do I join?

There is just one thing we need to confirm before you can participate:

Did your doctor provide you with a study brochure and passcode?

If the answer is yes, please proceed to our survey website. You can access it here.

If you have not received a brochure from your doctor, you can see if they are part of the CoPE Collaborative here. If they are part of CoPE, ask them for a brochure the next time you are in the office.

Not at this time. If your doctor is interested in joining the CoPE Collaborative, they can contact us at cope@surgery.wisc.edu for more information.

To participate in this NIH-funded study, you must be referred by a CoPE provider who will first confirm your diagnosis. If you do not have a confirmed diagnosis of unilateral vocal cord paralysis, you cannot participate in this study. 

You can access the survey site here. You will be asked to enter the passcode from your brochure and your email address. You only need to consent the first time you access the survey and the website will walk you through the process. If you have questions about the consent, please contact the study coordinator, Miranda Rasmussen.

No. We want to measure how your condition changes over time, so we will send you the second survey about 8 weeks after your first visit.

When you sign up to participate in the study, you will provide us with your email address. We have partnered with the University of Wisconsin Survey Center to send you all CoPE surveys. They will email you when it’s time to take the second survey. If you have questions about accessing your survey or when you should take the next one, please contact the CoPE Project Director, Jaime Faus at (608)-262-5757 or jfaus@wisc.edu

The University of Wisconsin Survey Center will send you a check after you complete each survey. For questions about payment, please contact the CoPE Project Director, Jaime Faus at (608)-262-5757 or jfaus@wisc.edu

For any questions related to the research study including eligibility criteria, please contact the CoPE study coordinator, Miranda Rasmussen

For online troubleshooting or payment questions, please contact the CoPE Project Director, Jaime Faus.